Strategic Plan & Annual Reports

2023-2025 Judicial Branch Strategic Plan

Future plans for the Judicial Branch may be found in our Strategic Plan. To develop this document, the Court first held two Town Hall listening sessions, which included a survey, for all members of the General Council. Using the information gathered from the sessions and survey responses, the Court Strategic Planning Team then conducted a two-day Strategic Planning Meeting to develop the Judicial Branch’s mission statement, goals, and action plans. The final step was to draft this Strategic Plan to identify the Judicial Branch’s future goals, the strategies necessary to accomplish those goals, and the internal performance management system used to monitor and evaluate progress. The Court would like to thank all of the tribal members, leadership, and staff who participated in the planning process. Your input and feedback were truly invaluable!

To request membership to the Wilton Rancheria Bar Association, please complete and submit the Application Form to the Clerk of the Court at All applicants must pass the Wilton Rancheria Bar Exam, an open book examination, by a score of ninety percent (90%) or better to be admitted to the Wilton Rancheria Bar Association. Following successful completion of the Wilton Rancheria Bar Exam, the applicant must take the Oath of Admission before the Clerk of the Court and pay the Bar Application fee of $75. Please note, this fee is automatically waived for all Wilton Rancheria members.

2022 Annual Report

Wilton Rancheria Courts respectfully submits our 2023 Annual Report to the General Council for review. It is an honor to serve the people of Wilton Rancheria. We are truly grateful to the General Council, Office of the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson, and the Tribal Council for their continued support of the Courts. Should you have any feedback, questions or need any additional information regarding this report, please email Director Stone at Thank you for your time!

Previous Year's Report