2024 Court Fee Schedule
2024 Court Fees Schedule
Type of Document | Description | Price |
Petition | Starts an action in Tribal Court | $50.00 |
Motion (Request for Order) | Requests an Order from the Court | $25.00 |
Notice by Publication | Court approved way to serve process on another party. | Cost of Publication |
Notice of Appeal | Request for the Appellate Panel to review a decision of the Tribal Court | $75.00 |
Appeal from Government Decision | Request for the Tribal Court to review the decision of a government body | $50.00 |
Oath of Admission | For attorneys to practice law in the Wilton Rancheria Courts | $75.00 |
Transcript of Audio Recording | Generate a transcript of a court hearing | Cost of Transcription |
Audio Recording | Copy a court hearing onto a portable storage drive provided by the Court (personal drives not permitted) | $15.00 |
Copy of Case File – Paper – Initial | Photocopies of a case file up to 25 pages | $10.00 |
Copy of Case File – Paper – Additional Pages | Cost per page over 25 pages | $0.25/page |
Copy of Case File – Electronic | Transfer to portable storage drive provided by Court (personal drives not permitted) | $15.00 |
Waivers of Court Fees: Court fees are automatically waived for all cases initiated by a Tribal Official (ex: Citations or Constitutional Questions). All other parties seeking a waiver must file a waiver request form with the Court and demonstrate that they qualify for some form of state or federal goverment assistance or that they are otherwise on a fixed income due to inability to work.
Pursuant to Administrative Order No. ADM-2022-001