
Joyce Dozier

Joyce Dozier

Personal Background

My name is Joyce (Hatch) Dozier. My great-grandmother was Alice Smith Daniels. My grandmother was Virgie Smith Hatch. My father was Walter Hatch and mother was Geraldine Burris. I lived on the Wilton Rancheria until I was seven when I was taken away and placed into foster care. I lived with my foster family until I was 18 years old, but I was never adopted. Immediately following my 18th birthday, I married my husband, Tom Dozier, we have recently celebrated our 63rd wedding anniversary. We have lived in Galt for most of those years. 

Tribal Experience

After being removed from Wilton Rancheria at seven, I began to search for my biological mother and father as an adult. In doing so, I became more interested in my heritage. I became involved with Wilton Rancheria and attended many meetings. I was ultimately being selected for a committee to work to restore the Tribe’s federal recognition. Following our restoration in 2009, I was elected to serve on our first Tribal Council, where I helped to write and establish laws for the Constitution. I was also proactive creating an Elders’ Committee and using DNA for tribal membership. I also volunteered for six years as Activities Director for the Elders’ Committee and assisted with the Cancer Awareness Walk.

Professional History

I worked in food service for the Galt School District for over 30 years. I also played softball competitively and coached my daughters in softball for many years. I now enjoy filling my time making pine nut jewelry and attending Pow Wows. 

My goal for serving on the Traditional Court is to continue serving my people. I believe in our Constitution and that it should be upheld so we can live in peace and harmony. 

My commitment to the Court is necessary to help our people move forward in difficult times. Laying this foundation for our children’s future is important to me and maintaining our tribal traditions in this present-day world.