Department of Cultural Preservation


The Department of Cultural Preservation is to ensure the preservation and protection of the Tribes heritage from destruction through a process of government to government consultation involving various local, state, and federal agencies and stakeholders within the Tribe’s Territory. (Territory is defined in article II of the Constitution of Wilton Rancheria). The Department shall safeguard the interests of the Tribe, enhance the sovereignty of the Tribe, and exercise stewardship over those resources committed to it by the Tribe and other jurisdictions. 


The Department of Cultural Preservation shall: 

  1. Protect and preserve the cultural heritage and history of the Tribe. 
    1. Consolidate management and protection of aesthetic, cultural, historic, recreation and other traditional values into an integrated resources management plan for the Tribe.
    2. Establish, maintain, and implement, a tribal inspector or monitoring program for protection of tribal resources.

  2. Provide for effective communication and dissemination of information regarding cultural preservation to the Tribe’s members.
    1. Update tribal website with information on the department of cultural preservation.
    2. Disseminate information on cultural preservation via the tribal newsletter.  

  3. Represent the Tribe regarding cultural preservation, cultural resources, and cultural heritage issues through public boards, committees, government to government consultations and other forums within the scope of the Tribe’s mission. 
    1. Voice the Tribe’s concerns or comments at public hearings and project scope meetings. 
    2. Consult with agencies whose undertakings impact cultural resources within the Tribe’s territory. 
    3. Disseminate appropriate information in a public or private forum on cultural heritage and history of the Tribe.

  4.  National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA).
    1.  Review and comment on environmental documents of Federal, State, County and City agencies within the ancestral homelands of the tribe on proposed project effects on tribal resources.
    2. Log all consultation correspondences. 

  5. Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) 
    1. Consult with museums, state and federal agencies to return cultural items, human remains, funerary objects, sacred objects, or objects of cultural patrimony to the Tribe that are currently held in federal, state, private and international collections throughout the nation and world.

To report an archaeological site, site vandalism or looting, or for more information about Miwok history and traditional lifeways, please contact Herbert "Lou" Griffin, Executive Director of Cultural Preservation at (916) 683-6000 ext. 2013, or by email at Tangi Ka:mu (Thank you). 

Herbert "Lou" Griffin

Executive Director of Cultural Preservation Department

  9415 Rancheria Dr, Wilton, CA 95693
  916-683-6000 ext 2013

Steven Hutchason

Tribal Historic Preservation Officer

  916-683-6000 ext 2006

Anthony Wilson

Cultural Educator

  916-683-6000 ext 2039

Venessa Cruz

Cultural Resource Assistant

Julian Escobedo

Tribal Cultural Monitor

Tacante Thomas

Tribal Cultural Monitor

Cassie Dowdle

NAGPRA Assistant